
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Identifying obesity.

We are all aware of the growing numbers of obese people in western nations. The United States leads the way, but now we see Britain and Ireland are catching up. I find it very sad for the children, as they will follow the lifestyles of their obese parents, and the parents are seemingly oblivious to the potential health problems their children will face. I had a long wait at Birmingham Airport last month, and I was sitting in a café in departures and decided to count the first 20 people that came through the doors. Of those 20 people, 15 were overweight, 11 were grossly overweight and 6 were morbidly obese. Then I watched these people eat - well they don't eat they scoff. These same people would again be ordering more food on the flight. If you're in a supermarket, study the contents of fat people's trolleys. I can guarantee it consist of pre-cooked frozen meals, pizza, pies, microwave burgers, and a variety of chemical-based fizzy drinks - generally you will not see fresh fruit, veg, meat or fish - or water! So we have identified habitual eating, but the eating of trashy foods. Both of these traits will contribute towards overweight and eventual obesity.

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At 12:11 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

I was on an American cruise ship 2 years ago, visiting the Bahamas and the gulf, and I couldn't help noticing the overweight people on board. From teenagers up to parents and grandparents. They were huge! After a day or so I realised why these flabby giants went on these cruises. You guessed it! Food! They can virtually eat non-stop, 24/7 and that's exactly what they did. They were always first up for breakfst loading their trays with eggs, bacon, donuts and pancakes. It was unbelieveable. They would hang around for hours chomping away until lunch. Lunch - well - there were different counters for different styles of food: Chinese, Italian, American etc. They would visit them all. Mid-afternoon was a BBQ - they'd be there loading up with ribs, chicken wings and hot-dogs and burgers. I asked one of the waiters if these people attended formal dinner in the evening - he said they never miss it. It actually became a sickening sight watching these vile creatures gorge themselves in a feeding frenzy for the whole trip. They were not interested in the palces we visited, just in the food available. Disgusting.

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Chris said...

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At 10:03 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I'm surprised the ship didn't keel over when they all headed for the buffet en masse! What gets me about American breakfasts is how they can eat sweet stuff like doughnuts and pancakes covered in maple syrup and then move on to eggs and bacon. Current research has confirmed that fasting from time to time is good for you and can extend your life span by years. Did you ever see a fat 99 year old?


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