Ever looked in the mirror and said to yourself, "What an ugly twat! Little wonder noboldy will talk to me." Don't give up! Don't reach for those suicide tablets just yet! Cure For The Sure's intrepid researchers from the Social Etiquette Department have come up with amazing techniques that are guaranteed to make extremely ugly people acceptable in society, which can lead to meeting other people - who may be just as ugly, but hey, who gives a shit! The answer is Tattoos and Body Piercing! You may laugh, but CFTS scientists have proven that these techniques will guarantee a connection with like-minded freaks. The more outrageous the tattoo or the more ridiculous the body piercings, the better chance the uglies have of getting noticed. And here's the trick. These techniques offer a distraction - their ugliness is momentarily overlooked by other people while they wonder at the stupidity of a tattoo, or the senselessness of a ring through the nose or lip. So try it today and people will be queueing up to laugh at you - but at least you will no longer be ignored.
Look at the picture - aren't you just dying to meet him???
STOP PRESS ............
CFTS can now confirm these same techniques can also work on morbidly obese people who stink.
Ugly People Tattoos Body Piercing
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