
Sunday, November 14, 2010

How to grow up to five or 6 feet in 20 years!

Yes, CFTS have done it again! This method guarantees a regular growth rate, and a finishing height of between 5 and six feet. In some cases six feet has been exceeded!
Here it is. Simply get born. Then from a starting heightof 18 inches you will grow at a steady rate over the next 20 years! Here are the testimonies of some of the people who tried CFTS's miracle growth rate formula:
Greg Emptycubbard: "It's true, I'm now six feet two and I used to 18 inches"
Verity Crackfiller: "It's true, I'm now six feet two and I used to 18 inches"

Terms & Conditions apply: CFTS accept no responsibility for dwarfism.Credit cards accepted


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