
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

You're Obese, but do you care?

This is a worrying phenomena: overweight people apparently unconcerned about their condition. I am not convinced. I believe they do care, but do not like to show it. They portray self-confidence, flaunt themselves in a swaggering fashion, and generally mix with friends who make them feel comfortable, and tell them how well they look. There is nothing wrong with being self-confident, but they are exhibiting this characteristic for the wrong reasons. Instead of putting all their energies into portraying self-confidence, they should put them into fighting the overweight battle. To make that transition, they have to face up to their condition. They have to go deep inside themselves, and some may have to go deeper than others. They have to be honest and they have to be strong, and they have to make a confession.

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At 6:14 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Fat people lack the will power to cut down on eating. If the food supply is cheap and available they will carry on eating - a bit like your pet rabbit or guinea pig. They don't know when to stop.
Employed fat people should pay more National Insurance (based on the extra fat they are carrying) to help cover the NHS costs in treating their obesity related illnesses which we tax payers have to pay for.
Unemployed fat people should have their food supplies substantially reduced. If this is too much for them and they commit suicide, then tough, they are already on the road to suicide anyway through their eating habits.
A system could be set up whereby they are only allowed to buy so many cakes, pies and burgers per week. They should be banned completely from the cake section in Asda. A turnstile mechanism which weighs them on entry would be ideal. But then there is the question of non-fat people buying food for their fat friends/relatives. Hmm, not sure about that one.

At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could also get all these obese people together, render them down in giant heated saucepans and collect all the fat off them when it turns to liquid. Then you could donate the fat to poor countries for fuel that would help develop their economies. So something positive would come out of their gluttonous greed

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Aah, I think I've cracked it. Every fat person has a tube leading out of their stomach to a hermetically sealed, refrigerated container. After every meal, the food passes out of the stomach and into the container. When the container is full, they take it to their nearest Asda or McDonald's where there would be special food recycling banks strategically placed. A process would then recycle the sludge back into the food they enjoy guzzling so much. They would lose weight as well!

At 7:34 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

Interesting about NHS costs. They raise the excise duty on cigarettes, presumably to stop people from smoking. So why don't they introduce a fat tax on junk food which the fatties eat. It may slow their eating down (but I doubt it) and the increase in tax revenue could be used to fund the NHS for treating gluttony illnesses.

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Restaurant owners should have the power to refuse to serve these lard mountains, especially when they have too much - a bit like when the landlord down the local takes away your keys when you've had too much to drink.

At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another point I would like to add is that these hefty hungry hippos (HHH for short) should be charged more by airlines. In fact the price of flight tickets should be based on the weight of the individual, similar to luggage - you pay more when the suitcase is overweight.

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I notice that the post office is charging for postage based on the shape and size of the parcel/envelope and not the weight.
An airline could adopt this method, as very often these junk food silos take up 2 seats on a plane making it very uncomfortable for other passengers...


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