
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I Have a Dream....

From our very astute roving CFTS reporter: JayCeeMurfee (Southern Division):
Congratulations to Advertising Executives, you got your target audience right!I was working at home this afternoon and happened to see an ad on TV at lunchtime depicting some lard arse guy in his kitchen. His washing machine suddenly starts spilling out water, at first he looks worried, but then he remembers (after quite a long time!) he's been on a plumbing training course (shame it wasn't an acting one!) and he can solve the problem. The ad went on for ages & ages & ages.... It then advertised this course and others and went on & on & on... What a great ad! Aimed at males and possibly females who are in a state of mental and physiological torpor and would need about 5 minutes of something being repeated over and over again before it finally registered. So if you're one of those NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) sitting there, get your shell suit and your £150 trainers on, put all thoughts of kidnapping any one of your 12 kids that you've had to 12 different women, to one side, forget (just for one day) that there is other food besides fat, sugar & salt and get yourself down to the job centre and register for one of these courses. You never know you might actually be able to, no don't stop me saying it, might actually be able to make a POSITIVE contribution to society. I have a dream....


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