
Friday, April 24, 2015

The Reasons for Delays Going Through Airport Security

Ever been stuck in a queue going through airport security and wondered why there are always hold-ups?
The reason is a large percentage of stupid, moronic, brain-dead passengers, whose idea of multi-tasking is snoring in their sleep are so thick they can't see the obvious.
They reach airport security personnel, and are asked,
   "Do you have any liquids in your hand-luggage?"
The stupid buggers, reply "Uhhh, oh yes." They then take five minutes going through their bags.
The next thing they are asked is if they have a belt, and of course they do, more delays. Next comes the watch, then coins in their pockets, etc, This all takes time.
These delays can be avoided if these morons deal with these jobs while queueing. They could stash their coins, watches, belts etc. in their jacket pockets or in their bags.
FFS stop delaying me!!!!!!!!!!!!


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