
Monday, September 29, 2008

Rare Shot of Betty with Mate

Pipeboy has done it again! With no thought of his own safety he has entered the secret lair of a brutally agressive Betty* during a feeding and mating ritual. If discovered, it would have been the end of our intrepid reporter. See how the Betty has lured the emaciated male in his wife-beater** into her trap by loading her trolly with pies, cakes and crisps. Once the male takes the bait and mounts the fat bitch, it's all over for him. She will devour the tattooed dickhead after he has inseminated her. Well done Pipeboy - Sir David Attenborough sends his regards!
* Largearsibum Biteyerbolloxibus (lat)
** Wife-beater: vest worn by tattooed doleite who beats his wife


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