
Sunday, April 01, 2012

Idiots Queue for Petrol - Silly Season!

Yes it's silly season again! Petrol-tanker drivers threaten to strike, and half the nation make a mad rush to buy petrol. One Tory MP even suggested hoarding it. A woman had an unfortunate accident while 'decanting' petrol in her kitchen while her gas stove was lit.
Here is the opinion of one of our top, intrepid CFTS reporters"
"It makes you wonder what goes on in some people's go to the petrol station, buy petrol, signs say no smoking, no naked lights, take it home in a can, light the gas to start tea, and then decide to fill up a jug with petrol, a substance that you've been warned about, a flammable liquid, and a naked light nearby, small room, warm, the petrol vapourising - boom.and she expects sympathy, her family want to blame Francis Maude for telling her to hoard petrol. She should be in a mental home and prosecuted for recklessly endangering herself, her family and her neighbours. Or else she should run for parliament."
Well said. And a message to these stupid people:


Take responsibility for your own actions & behaviour,

and stop blaming others for your own stupidity!



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