
Thursday, April 30, 2015

People Are Living Longer - Not Any More!

The media is full of statistics from scientists & population theorists stating that based on today's ageing population, that future generations will live longer.
The dozy twats have missed one main problem which will totally undermine and rubbish their theories and statistics: THE OBESITY EPEDIMIC (when I mention OBESITY I cannot help typing in upper case, because it makes the letters fat like OBESE people).
Yes these lard-arses are heading for early graves if they carry on gorging pies and cakes.
NO! It's not because you're big-boned!
NO! It's not because you have a thyroid problem (Levothyroxine medication discounts this excuse).
NO! It's not because you're stressed!
NO! It's not comfort food!
YES! It's because you're greedy and you eat too much. And the sooner these BELLY BEASTS realise this, and take responsibilty for their own actions, then they will continue to expand.
Naturally this has serious health implications, includes diabetes, heart conditions, chapped inner thighs,
Unfortunately, for one group of overweight children, much of the blame lies with parents.  They have only known fast-food and never watch any programs or read any literature on nutrition and health - so their children will follow the same life-style,
The other group usually become obese during teenage years.
The sad thing is these obese people hang out together, and tell each other how great they look. So they carry on eating.


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