
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Confession of Greed

Now you know your weight category, you have to stand back and make the ultimate confession. No, you're not big boned, no, you probably don't have a thyroid problem, so why did you get so big? Possible causes:
  • You eat too much
  • You eat too frequently
  • You eat the wrong food
  • No exercise

And why? Because you are too greedy! As a child I was known as 'the slob' - because I was a greedy little buggar. The confession of greed is difficult to make, but do it! Don't rely on the softly, softly approach taken by dieticians, agony aunts, the media, friends respecting your sensitivity etc. It's your problem and it's up to you to start the cure. If you get discouraged, look at the health consequences you risk:

  • heart disease
  • stroke
  • diabetes
  • certain types of cancer
  • gout (joint pain caused by excess uric acid)
  • sleep apnoea (interrupted breathing during sleep)
  • osteoarthritis (wearing away of the joints)

The more overweight you are the more likely you are to suffer at least one of these health problems. So, what it comes down to is, if you don't do anything about it, you will shorten your life, and the life you have left will be miserable and unhealthy. The ball's in your court.


At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a fat bastard mainly because of the reasons you have given and have several more which are even more self indulgent. The only time I have maintained a normal weight is when I drank, smoked and womanized excessively, it all came very naturally to me and I was happy man. Now I have a family and unfortunately these past times are limited and infrequent. Therefore I have decided to booked myself a 2 month holiday in Cuba, not that I'll lose any weight, but while I am there I can still enjoy life to the fully like skinny bugger as long as I have the folding, are there any other lard arses who want to join me?

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Flat-Turd,

I was so sorry to read about your plight. You are a beautiful child of the Cosmos. Keep telling yourself that. It's all on my hypnosis tapes, which you can purchase at £25 each. And, by the way, it's not true I bought a phoney PhD for 2,000 dollars from Lasalle University, honest. Going to Cuba is a great idea - you'll look like a pencil amongst those American barrels of dripping,


Paul McKenna

P.S. Below is an excerpt from my cosmic friend's book which might help.

Your Fat Cells Are Listening
From, reprinted here because I want to remember it:

By Carol Tuttle

Carol Tuttle is a Master Energy Therapist and the author of the best-selling book, Remembering Wholeness: A Personal Handbook for Thriving in the 21st Century.

At a quantum level, we are all just big bundles of energy. Our thoughts are energy, our words are energy, and our emotions are energy. Whatever you choose to focus on multiplies. That is, energy flows to whatever you think about a lot, speak about a lot, and whatever you respond to with emotion — and it grows.

You have a relationship with your body, and YOUR BODY IS LISTENING TO YOU!

If you keep telling your body it is FAT, it will continue to be fat for you. Your cells are an intelligence system with which you communicate. Whenever you say, “I am fat,” your fat cells listen and respond.

Most people with weight issues are very practiced at speaking negatively about themselves and their bodies. The result is that, by doing this, they keep adding to the problem.

It is almost impossible for your body to change when you keep sending it negative messages. As long as you say, “I am FAT,” you give your body more instruction and energy to BE FAT!

I teach my clients to change their language to support their body in changing. Changing the negative “I am” to a positive “I am” is a powerful first step.

Change the “I am fat” to “I am slimming down.” Change the “I never get results; it is too hard to lose weight,” to “I am getting results; it is getting easier to lose weight.”

Some people have a hard time saying a positive “I am” when that is not their current reality. The point is, if you want to change your reality, you had better start changing the way you think and speak about it.

Your body’s intelligence system is smart. I believe the natural state of the body is to be lean and healthy. The body is always striving for this outcome, yet the power your mind has to disrupt this natural outcome is strong — especially when your body keeps getting daily doses of negative feedback from you.

Trust your body to start doing the job it was created to do for you. If you despise your body, you weaken it and block its power.

Love your body in its current condition. The body is in many ways like a small child: it just wants to do a good job and be appreciated and loved. You wouldn’t tell a 4-year-old child that she was no good and unlovable, would you? Imagine your body as if it were a small child, to whom your thoughts and words are directed every day.

Are you being an abusive adult to your body? Stop abusing your body with your thoughts and words. Start loving your body, and you will be amazed at how it will start working even harder for you to get the results you desire.

The following are some of my clients’ favorite affirmations that can be used to empower your body. To give even more power to these statements, tap on your solar plexus while you repeat them in your thoughts or out loud:

I am healthy and lean.
I give myself recognition beyond food.
I love myself, I love my body, and fat just disappears.
I look nice; I am active; I am enough; and I count.
I am my ideal weight.
I feel great in my clothes.
I enjoy exercising several times a week.
I can say “No.”
It is easy to find other things to do in the evening rather than eating.
I can let down my walls.
I am proud of my body; it did what I told it to do.
My body’s natural state is to be lean.
I am fulfilled.

At 4:49 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

Dear Flat-Turd,
You know what they say, "you can't be happy all your life, you have to get married sometime." No, I am not knocking marriage; marriage is an institution (but who wants to live in an institution?). I think the drinking and womanising is fine - and will keep you young and healthy. As for smoking, that is no good - every time you feel like a ciggy, get another pint - works every time - keep your hands occupied and they won't have time to caress those lovely, long slender, aromatic, tightly packed tubes of bliss -- ahhhhhh! Go to Cuba and enjoy!!

At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...but keep away from those cruises, full of fat bastards scoffing 24/7, so I've heard....


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