
Monday, July 31, 2006

Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen

For the life of me, can anybody tell me why these so called celebrities give their children ridiculous names? Is it for publicity? Is it to tell the public that 'my child is special, therefore my child will not have a normal name, they will have a name that will make him/her stand out from the rest of the mundane society we are forced to live in'? And what of the unfortunate offspring of these morons? They will have to live with these ridiculous labels. Let's take a look. Zowie Bowie - well done David! Very creative! Then there's Paula Yates (RIP) - she had 3 daughters to Bob Geldorf: Fifi Trixibelle, Peaches Honeyblossom, and Pixie. Also a daughter to the late Michael Hutchence, Tiger Lilly. Need I say more? Frank Zappa(RIP) had 4 children to Adelaide Gail Slaotman: Moon Unit, Dweezil(born Ian Donald CalvinEuclid Zappa, because the hospital refused to put Dweezil on the birth certificate; Dweezil later legally changed his name to "Dweezil"), Ahmed Emuukha Rodan (named for Atlantic Records executive Ahmet Ertegun), and Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen. I think Ms. Pigeen wins outright - unless someone can come up with a better name ...

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At 12:27 AM, Blogger Mario Podrecca said...

what is a pigeen?

At 12:35 AM, Blogger Mario Podrecca said...

i feel more sorry that she inherited her father's nose than the name. Moon Unit was more fortunate


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