
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Obese Parents = Long Term Child Abuse

If children are subjected to physical abuse by their parents, the Social Services are called in, and often the children are taken into care. The same should happen to the children of obese parents. These obesities are subjecting their unfortunate offspring to a horrific diet, which will lead to terribe illnesses in the long-term(see ealier posting). We should stop this abuse, and take their children away from them and put them with families who can teach them the importance of correct eating habits and diet. Obese people do not care what happens to themselves or their children. They do not read about the dangers of bad diet and the terrible side effects; they are too busy stuffing themslves with pizza and diet coke and watching Big Brother.
p.s. Drinking gallons of diet coke does not help you lose weight. Pepsi and Cocoa Cola are rubbish.

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