
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Breast Cancer - Should I Use Deodorants & Antiperspirants

There have been emails circulating over the years that deodorants and antiperspirants cause Breast Cancer. The email says that antiperspirant stops poisons (toxins) being removed from the body in sweat and so they build up in the lymph glands under the arm and cause a breast cancer. There are quite a few misunderstandings in this statement. Many women diagnosed with breast cancer are found to have cancer cells in the lymph glands under the arm. Sometimes, an enlarged lymph gland is the first symptom. But the cancer starts in the breast cells - usually those lining the tubes (ducts) inside the breast. Cancer cells can break away from the tumour in the breast and travel through the lymphatic system to the lymph glands under the arm. The cancer has not started in these lymph glands. glands under the arm. Some toxins are removed from the body through the sweat glands (although most are excreted through the liver and kidneys). The sweat glands are completely different from the lymph glands. Lymph glands are part of the lymphatic system of the body. This acts as a drainage system for the body tissues and helps the body to fight off infections. The lymphatic system is a network of lymph glands and tubes called lymphatic ducts. The fluid bathing the body tissues flows into the smallest of these ducts. These ducts join to form larger and larger ducts. Eventually, the largest lymphatic ducts empty their contents back into the blood circulation. The lymph fluid does not flow in the other direction, so toxins cannot be delivered back to the body tissues from the lymph glands. HOWEVER research has found that some of these antiperspirants contain a chemical called Parabens, and this same chemical was found in breast tumour samples. Apparently there is only 10% of antiperspirants that contain Parabens on the market today - isn't that reassuring ladies? So in a year or two what will be the next chemical they find in the deodorant and breast tumours? In reality we don't know what shite they're putting into them, and if I was a woman, I just wouldn't take the risk. Use some of these natural crystal deodorants. They have no smell, but do an excellent job. I use one called Ice Guard and I'm not even a woman. So don't take the risk ladies. Keep away from that chemical crap and stay healthy and stay alive.

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