Brussels is the dirtiest, filthiest city in the world - part 1: the barker's egg

Why are the streets of Brussels coverd in dog shit? Everywhere you go, a steaming turd will greet you, and you are forced to walk around it. When I first came to Brussels, I wondered why everyone was walking with their heads down - I just thought all Belgians were miserable bastards - but now I know the truth.
You would think something would be done about it, but no. People seem to accept it.
There are even areas specially provided for dogs to do their business, but I notice people do not like to use these and so these areas are actually cleaner than the street.
And when you step in it wearing shoes with a good tread - well, I don't need to go into the details, but a pointed stick is a good investment after all.
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Dog Shite Link
I too have visited Brussels and would have to agree with lemurff, you're ankle deep in the dog shite. This is particularly galling for shoe fetishists whom I know like to give the old sole of a boot the odd lick or two.
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