
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Save Me from this Big Brother Garbage!

How civilisation has degenerated. How TV companies have scraped the bottom of the barrel to broadcast this so-called reality TV. These talentless TV writers have become lazy, and should be shot at dawn with the cast. And people actually watch these programs for hours at a time and discuss them at work. They talk about them on the radio and there are magazines covering them. 'Big Brother' , 'Love Island' , 'Celebrity Big Load of Toss!'. Am I the only one out there that thinks this is the worst piece of broadcasting ever? I really have to wonder about the audiences for these programs. Are their lives so empty they have to eavesdrop on this completely false set-up of normal life? Do yourselves a favour, turn the TV off, pick up a good book or play some decent music and forget such programs ever existed.

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At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must confess like many I watched the first series of big brother and found it no worse that they other garbage on at the time.
The problem with UK TV (and pop music)is that the budgets are now reliant on ratings predictions produced by nameless research companies which themselves are set up and sponsored by the producers of shows like BB.

Typical question would be;

What would you rather do
a)Watch an episode of BB?
b) die immediately?
c)Watch 2 episodes of BB?
(The answer is A closely followed by B).

Thankfully radio producers still have the bollocks to put out a decent show, with both 'League of Gentlemen' and Crucify Cowell live (not sure if that has past the censors yet but it is gathering support rapidily)having there origins in the media.

Now I mainly watch cable or pay TV and have ripped up my licence and posted it back to the BBC stating that what they put on air no longer constitutes entertainment or provides reliable information and thus contrevene's the trades description act, as yet I have had no reply.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I'm absolutely sick of my TV licence money being wasted on rubbish programs like 'Cat Week' with some posh bird (Saba Douglas-Hamilton) pratting about in a Land Rover following wild animals around with cute names like Toto. Qu'est ce que c'est le effin' point? They are wild animals for god's sake - all they do is kill and eat each other, end of story. Why should we finance the freebee adventure holidays of these self professed experts? Most of those people are as thick as two short planks (viz Ben Fogle) and flunked all their exams, despite going to the best private schools; but because they have a posh accent and their daddy is a lord or makes 'oodles' of money in the City, they manage to secure these lucrative 'jobs'.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger DocMurf said...

Well said 'Mines a Pint' - you are absolutely right - these toffe-nose, talentless freeloaders are bleeding us dry. Let's hope the wild animals rip them apart. (let me know(email me) if you want to be a member of the blog, and I will invite you thru the blog site - you can then do postings as well as comments - your views are much valued - and I would like to see them given greater prominence)


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