To me Syd Barret was the real voice of Pink Floyd. A founder member in 1965, he only lasted about 3 years because he was so screwed up on LSD. He created Pink Floyd with old friend Roger Waters, and became a huge star at the age of 21. He made a solo album in 1970 - 'Madcap Laughs' - but the LSD had taken its toll. He became a recluse after that. Some of my mates at College knew him quite well and visited him in the early seventies - but they said it was frightening what had happened to his mind. They reckoned he never came out of his last trip. It put them off LSD for good! I will always remember his voice on the classics: 'See Emily Play' and 'Arnold Layne'. Now he'll be tripping away on his Interstellar Overdrive. RIP Syd.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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