
Monday, July 10, 2006

The Turner Prize? What about the Sewell Prize!!??

For those artists sick and tired as seeing rubbish exhibits competing for the Turnip Prize, sorry, the Turner Prize, I would like to put out a challenge to all bona fidae artists to enter the 'Sewell Prize'. Send me pictures of your art, and I hope I can convince Brian Sewell to be judge at this exhibition. I would like The Sewell Prize to be in direct competition with the Turner Prize, so it can be proved to the world that there are still fine modern artists around, and are far more worthy & deserving than these charlatans that have their work exhibited in the Turnip Prize.
Brian, if you connect to this site, please answer the call of true artistic talent.
Artists, send you entries to me now by posting comments or email me at
Good Luck!


At 11:14 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

Get your entries in now for the Sewell Prize and see if you can show the world what a load of crap the Turner Prize is!


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