DocMurf's Log-Jam Theory for Session Drinkers

When you about to embark on a long drinking session, be aware of the Log-Jam Theory. The mistake made, even by seasoned drinkers, is to have a meal BEFORE the session. The food immediately blocks the 'beer valley'. When you then begin lashing back the beer, you will experience a very uncomfortable feeling of bloatedness and will be unable to drink at your normal rate, and may even be forced to abandon your pleasurable day supping. The solution is to drink 5 or six pints of beer or stout before taking any food. This gives a very strong flow to the river in your 'beer valley'. With the river now happily raging, any introduction of food will quickly be washed away by the strong beer current - and thus the filled-up feeling will not occur. The attached biological diagram of a drinker' stomach shows the log-jam, and shows how it stops the beer flow. Happing drinking!
Technorati Tags: Boozing Indigestion Link
I appreciate the wisdom of your theory, but being an anorexic solves any of the log jam problems.
Happy Puking!
Thank God for the bright yellow colour of the sweetcorn! It means easier detection and diagnosis!
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