Have you ever been to a gym and seen all the signs "please wipe down machines after use." ? We all like to work up a sweat but why do some people, men and women, continally refuse to wipe down their sweat after using a piece of equipment? Is it because they want other gym-users to see how much effort they have put into their exercise? Or is it they are ignorant lazy bastards? I am going with the latter. Also, equipment hoggers. Usually 2 to 4 males at a benchpress. They can occupy for an hour or so, chatting mostly, and spotting their colleagues when they attempt a lift. But myy big hatred is people with body odour that fills the gym. The stench is so bad it could gas a small town. I don't know if it is because they never wash their kit, or they have s sweat gland problem, but really these people should be banned and made to perform outdoor activity only - preferably on their own, and with their sweat glands removed.
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And lazy bastards who don't return their dumbells after use and leave them on the floor instead of sticking them back on the rack - twerps!
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