
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Time for reality shows to get real?

OK, I'm no great Christian or social worker or anything, but why can't we have a fly on the wall program about a nurse or nun in some remote village in Africa or India who is fighting against all odds to save lives? A lot of these people must have given up the chance of a potentially lucrative career, and instead of having a high tech management job in London, quaffing champagne in Covent Garden at lunchtime, they are picking up dying people from the streets of Bombay (or is it Mumbai now, I can never remember?). We see the likes of Lenny Henry once a year on Children in Need, mixing it with the kids in Africa. OK, I've nothing against that and there is some coverage on the news about famines in Africa, but there seems to be a major divide in television about what is suitable for entertaining the masses and what is not. For heaven's sake, let's see some real people for a change who have decided to dedicate their lives to helping others and let's get shut of chavvy morons intent on propelling their egos to take over the world.
Madge, take a hike!


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