
Wednesday, December 03, 2008

What You've Been Waiting For: LAV-CAM! ®

Ever wondered what goes on beneath the seat then taking a dump? Sick of waiting until you've finished before exmining your earthy deposit? We'll wait no longer! CFTS research scientists have spent 5 years developing LAV-CAM ®. The super minature recorder can film all the action, as well as capturing sound-effects with its built-in microphone. Heh! Don't worry about splashes - CFTS has the answer! With its super-coated, non-stick, hydrolyurethanium micro-lense, the turd-splashes simply slip off, leaving you with clean, clear and sharp clips of this wondeful, yet very rarely-seen event.
Please order now through CFTS comments on this posting. LAV-CAM ® will be in the shops in time for Christmas. Order early to avoid disappointment!

LAV-CAM ® Is a registered Trademark of Cureforthesore



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