
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sperm Donation: Cut Out The Middle Man!

Sperm donation is largely an anonymous activity mainly because the fat bitches are unable to get laid and drop a sprog. It is often expensive, and those trips to the Sperm Bank are time-consuming and embarassing.
Here at Cure For The Sure, we are not prepared to see these hog-faced, lard-arsed cows getting a raw deal; we care and we've come up with the offer of a life-time. We are prepared to cut out the middle man and go straight to the ladies directly to donate our sperm - in the comfort of your own home!
By doing this our CFTS researchers will halve costs, save time, and guarantee pregnancy or your money back! And if a suitable daughter is in the household, 18-20 years of age, we will donate two samples for the price of one!
To contact our SDS (Sperm Donation Services) Department, please leave your name and number behind the public convenience at Charing Cross Railway Station. Do not apply for these services if your body is unlike the picture of our CFTS Research Assistant enclosed.



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