
Friday, December 05, 2008

Ladies! Who Needs Contraception When You Can Have an Abortion?!!

Why bother with all those nasty constraceptive methods when you can have an abortion instead? After all, it's only a bit of tissue. You can have one straight away, or wait until six months, or even go to full-term if you're in the United States. Don't worry, we're very experienced abortioneers here in Britain. Last year there were over 200,000 abortions in England and Wales. This is the first time this number has been surpassed - and soon we will overtake the United States. Britain's termination rate is already the highest in Western Europe.
But what if you want more than one abortion? Don't worry girls, you're not alone. Nearly 4,000 women have had four or more abortions – and dozens have had eight or more. There were 82 teenagers on their third abortion. Overall, the number of women having repeat abortions has reached record levels. In 2006, 59,687 abortions were performed in England on women who had already had one. A third of terminations are now repeats, and the number has gone up by 5 per cent in two years.
Well done Britain! We're proud of you! Let's hope we can keep top of the Abortion Table in Europe. Then we'll top the northern hemisphere, then the world!

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