Karen Matthews Escapes Jail Sentence to Enter Beauty Pageant

Sexy siren Karen Matthews, child kidnapper, has been spared jail to enter The Doncaster & Castleford Beauty Pageant. By winning the competition, she hopes to bring the nation's attention to child cruelty and abuse. After Judge Farquar Ninjaterrapin listened to her impassioned plea from the dock, the learned gentleman of the law was visibly moved, and agreed to waver the 5 year jail sentence.
This stunning beauty had the whole courtroom in tears by describing her own terrible upbringing and misplaced youth. She promised that all her winnings from the event would go to a national children's charity.
Doncaster butcher's Joshua Ormonthroyd has kindly donated the winning prize of 12lbs of best beef dripping, a bucket of tripe and a pig's head. Not to be outdown, Castleford Mayor Threpford Attercliffe has promised a free ticket for a guided tour of the town's sewers, with lunch provided en route. The ravishing Miss Matthews is pictured during a photo-shoot.
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