
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Okay, Okay, I'm a Greedy Pig, What do I do?

I am not a dietician, but I believe in common sense. 3 meals a day and don't nibble between meals. Forget the bag of crisps, the bar of chocolate, the hamburger and hot-dog. Don't look for the short-term fix. Remember the long-term health risks! Try and go 4 or 5 hours between meals. If you feel hungry, drink water or eat an apple (remember them?). Your meals should consist of a healthy mix of high fibre cereal, fruit, fresh vegeatbles, fresh meat or fish - limit your portions, grill your meat. You've all seen this before, (and totally ignored it). If you think you cannot go 4 hours without stuffing something into your fat face, then think of the poor countries around the world. Look at famine victims, look at the dying children - they're going without food for months never mind 4 hours. If you cannot manage 4 hours, then you should be ashamed of yourselves. And please don't give me that sensitity rubbish, and 'I eat because I am stressed'. You eat because you are greedy, fat glutton. My mother used to say to me: "your eyes are bigger than your belly!" So no wallowing in the sympathetic, self-pity that this society bestows upon fat people. You take action - don't rely on dieting fads, or diet pills - you've been pumping enough chemicals into your body alreaqdy with the trashy food you've been eating. Also, if you have children, they will turn out like you as they will follow the same eating patterns. Avoid fast food hamburger restaurants - they are rubbish and overpriced. You can roast a fresh chicken for less than one of those meals. Think of your children, think of their health.


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