Car Enthusiasts - Let Your Car Have A Date!

For years car enthusiasts and collectors have lavished their love and attention on their vehicles: first lubricating them, followed by a good servicing! They join car-owner clubs and societies, taking their cars on rallies all over the country and sometimes abroad. But you owners are selfish and heartless. What of the car? Have you considered its feelings? Have you ever thought that the car might want some private time with another car, maybe of the same model, or possible another make even - I don't think they're discriminatory. So I believe you should let your car have a date with another car. A private car-park or driveway for example. (preferably without the owners spying out of their windows). Let them have a bit of quality time with each other on a pleasant moonlit evening. Perhaps leaving a suitable CD playing appropriate songs: Little Red Corvette, The Green Car Song(just made that up, but the f*cking car doesn't know it). After all the pleasure they have given you, this is the least you could do for them. I am sure they would be grateful, and not break down half as much as they normally do. But what would the owners do while their cars are on a date? I suggest they have a right good shag - it would make a change from slobbering over their cars all their lives! Happy car dating!
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