
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Jose Mourinho is a Portuguese Dwarf Hermaphrodite

After the Everton game last Sunday, it was discovered on Sunday night that the manager/manageress of Chelsea FC, Jose Mourinho, belongs to a rare species of Dwarf Hermaphrodite, which sometimes habitates the caves along the Algarve Coast. [A hermaphrodite is an organism that possesses both male and female sex organs. On very rare occasions, these dwarf hermaphrodites can even impregnate themselves.]
Last Sunday night, the caretaker at Goodison was sweeping up the empty bribe-envelopes from the referee's changing room, when he noticed the Chelsea manager passionately embracing himself in a corner. The stalwart Goodison employee, quickly retreated, allowing Jose to complete full intercourse with himself. A spokeman from the Royal College of Dwarves, has confirmed that Jose Mourinho is pregnant. Later, in a statement to the mirror (not the newspaper, his house mirror). Jose said he was delighted with the pregnancy, and freely admitted it was only a matter of time before he would conceive, following a life-long love affair with himself.

Mr. Jose Mourinho's wardrobe by The Munchkins of Oz.

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At 9:59 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

No, he was caught nobbing himself by the caretaker. The caretaker is now under police protection in the pub across the road from Goodison. The rumours that the caretaker was nobbing Jose are pure fabrication.


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