
Sunday, March 29, 2009

CFTS 6-Point Proposal For The G20 Leaders

The CFTS committee have been working overtime on a 7-point proposal to solve the world economic Crisis and they hope that G20 leaders will adopt this proposal immediately. Here for the first time is the proposal in its entirety:
1. Ban TV chefs
2. Ban Wild-life programs and let the presenters shovel shit at the zoo.
3. Start new TV chef programs but they must cook the flesh of former Wild-Life presenters, apart from Kate Humble who can become my PA at CFTS.
4. Bankers must pay off the mortgages of all their customers apart from other bankers.
5. Create new laws to make it illegal to close down pubs.
6. Pubs to ban lager and sell only good quality Real Ale.
7. Very good looking females between the ages of 18-30 must only date men between the ages of 57-59.

Vacancy Exists for Experienced Worker

Cure For The Sore has a vacancy for an experienced worker. The job entails working 9 till 5 Monday to Friday. Lunchtimes are taken between 1:00 and 2:00 but there is flexibility. Job includes generous pension and Private Health Care. The salary is £100,000 per annum. For an application form, leave your details by submitting a comment beneath this posting. Generatous donations to CFTS are gratefully accepted. Make cheques payable to "RockhardSoftware".

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