
Thursday, May 28, 2009

LPF Initiative for The Barclays Premier League

Do you think there's something obscene with a rich club buying up all the best players home and abroad then winning all the trophies? Is it through some great managerial skills? Brilliant man-management? Uncanny tactics and game-plan? B*llocks! It's money! How would the top four managers cope with managing a Stoke, a Middleborough or a Hull? Would they have done any better than the current managers with the same resources? Well let's find out. Why don't we introduce a Level Playing-Field (LPF) Initiative where each Premiership side has exactly the same amount of money to spend on players each year? Let's cap total spending for each club to say £50 million. Those clubs that cannot afford the £50 million would be assisted by the TV companies.
The advantages of this initiative are:
  1. Curtail the flood of foreign imported players
  2. Encourage home-grown players to come through the ranks
  3. Strengthen clubs in lower divisions
  4. Strengthen the national side
  5. Provide more competition in the league and cup
  6. Prevents the now monotonous and predictable Premiership 4-horse race
  7. A club's achievements will utimately be based on a manager's skills
  8. Increase the gates of all premiership teams
  9. The morality of the initiative will encourage a fair-play attitude of players and teams

True sporting fans will welcome this initiative, and the game will regenerate at all levels across the country.

What do you think? Would you support this initiative? Let's hear your views!

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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Joey Barton - Scum of the Earth

This vile piece of human excrement, should be chucked into jail and the key thrown away. It's trash like this that give Liverpool a bad name. He was lucky to have some semblance of footballing skills which have elevated his name from the gutter where it belongs. This notoriety has attracted similar trashy acquaintances, who swagger around pubs and clubs causing trouble. They are very selective who they chose to 'wade into'. Like all scum, they are cowards. They will only attack the weak and defenceless, and only when they clearly outnumber their victims. But the scum-streak runs right through his family. His half brother Michael Barton is serving 17 years for involvement in the racially motivated murder of Anthony Walker in 2005. And please Joey, don't give us that garbage of an excuse of being brought up in a poor area of Huyton and your parents splitting up. There are many of us who've had far more traumatic backgrounds, and have lived our lives with dignity and pride.
You'll always be trash, it's in your blood - like the rest of your garbage family
Here's a nice little video showing just what a scum-bag you are.

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