
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Was Abused as an Adult

At the tender age of 37, I was abused by an adult female in her thirties. I believe she was actually 38 at the time of this sordid incident. It happened on a Thursday afternoon at the fish counter of Morrisson's supermarket. I was eyeing up the smoked haddock when a hand reached out in front of me and snatched a turbot fillet from the counter. I was horrified.
Before I knew what was happening, I was struck on both cheeks by the turbot. When I regained my compusre I saw a woman holding the fillet while laughing at me hysterically shouting "Turbot Chops, turbot chops". This incident has greatly affected my childhood behaviour, and explains why I cannot be alone left in a room with a turbot. I just hope society realises that many of these turbot-charges against children can be as direct result of turbot-abuse when they were adults.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff at CFTS for listening to my story and showing great empathy with my plight.



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