
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Betties Provide Ballast on Ferry Crossing

Last week was stormy on the Irish Sea, and many people were worried as to whether the ferry would hold up to the ferocious winds on the Dun Laoghaire to Holyhead crossing. But help was at hand and their fears were allayed! A friendly pair of Betty Lesbians agreed to act as ballast to steady the ferry as it crossed the rough seas.
Notice how one Betty is so heavy she arrived on a mobility chair and is ably assisted by a similarly huge lezzo Betty. Dykes Acoss The Sea!

Betties Holidaying in Teingmouth

What a stroke of luck! Our intrepid CFTS reporter Dan The Scan was in Devon doing research for the CFTS campaign - "Octagenarians are Orphans Too", when he came across a rare sighting of a 'Beach Betty' showing off her shapely thighs. Not only that, he also found another 2 Betties trying to squeeze into a taxi. Sadly the taxi-driver suffered fatal injuries after they sat on him.