
Monday, May 06, 2013

David Moyes falls out with Vellios and Throws His Toys Out if His Pram

David Moyes, manager of Everton FC has demonstrated many times this season why he should step down and leave the club immediately. His persistent selection of out of form players - his "favourites", his ridiculous substitutions from the bench and his dour negatitivity, have left the club again bereft of trophies for the 18th consecutive year - 11 of which he presided over. We had the easiest path to Wembley in the FA Cup, in living memory - but crashed out to relegation fodder Wigan at home, 0-3.
It was well within the club's grasp to achieve a top-four finish, yet he continued selecting a badly out of form Jelavic and mistake-ridden Heitinga. Both players have cost the club at least 12 points. Having Neville as captian also contributed to the club's demise. We were defeated against relegated and almost relegated teams like Reading, Norwich, Sunderland and have drawn a staggering 15 games, with 2 matches still to play.
But Moyes' biggest error was not introducing Apostolos Vellios, the Greek under-21 international. This player has the height, agility and skill and should have replaced Jelavic as early as January. He was brought on as sub in the December home game against Spurs, and set up the winner for Jelavic. Since then, Vellios has made one other appearance as sub. For the last several weeks, he has not even been on the bench. The reason: he had a bust-up with Moyes - this comes from very reliable sources. Vellios questionned his manager's decision concerning his continued ommission from the team - and quite rightly so. Moyes reacted in his normal negative way, and virtually banished the player from the club. He cut off his nose to spite his face. His stubborness has cost the club dearly, and his tactical ineptness has been revealed many times this season.
We had the squad this year to do great things, but sadly we didn't have the manager. I just hope with a new manager arriving in the summer, he will give Apostolos Vellios a chance to show what he can do - and prove David Moyes wrong.

Yorkshire Pudding and Guns

What a seriously fucked-up country the United States is.
A friend of mine told me while living in Florida in the 1980's, she could shop at a local grocer's that sold English food. She used to buy a well-known Yorkshire Pudding mix. Very soon, this mix was removed from the shelves, as there was an ingredient that the Federal Drugs Administration deemed unsuitable. This was just one example of many English foods that were removed as they were judged to be "dangerous"  to the American public, while the British quite happily enjoy them to this very day.
Now we travel forward in time to April 2013, where in Cumberland County, Kentucky, USA, an American father buys his five-year old son a  gift: a .22 calibre rifle. The son accidently shoots and kills his 2-year old sister. The mother was in the house at the time, and the gun was left standing in the corner. She claimed she didn't know the gun was loaded.
America: The Greatest Country in the World! My ARSE