
Monday, December 23, 2013

Graeme Swann? Graeme Chicken more like!

You get selected for your country to play cricket against the Australians for the coveted Ashes, and we have another Englishmen who's left the tour. First to go was Jonathon Trott because of stress! What a load of bollocks! This is the chance of a lifetime to excel at your chosen sport at the highest possible level, and you get stress! You mean you got the Trotts and shit yourself!
Then Swann was next - why did he decide to go on tour if he intended to quit more than half-way through? Because he is a chicken, yellow-belly bastard! He quit because England were getting hammered. Instead of staying and helping his team, he pisses off, because he's 'hit a wall'. I wish the wall would hit him! Then he has a go at the rest of the team! At least they're still in Australia What a pair of wankers! They should be ashamed of themselves for humiliating their country.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


I'm seriously considering buying a bread-bin.