
Saturday, January 04, 2014

Obese People are also Lazy Lard Arses

CFTS's intrepid reporters have revealed that greedy pie and cake scoffers, otherwise known as Clinically Obese or Morbidly Obese fatties, are also extremely lazy.
Further research conducted by CFTS 'fly on the wall' cameras located inside 3 million public conveniences around the country, further revealed that 99% of morbidly & clinically obese blubber-guts did not wash their hands after a visit to the lavatory.

CFTS Guarantee How To Give Up Smoking Forever

CFTS can now offer readers a100% guaranteed method of giving up smoking for life.
This is a completely free offer - CFTS don't want your money - we want to see you healthy!
Just follow the following steps below. If you fail to follow these steps then the method will obviously not work.
1. Never buy cigarettes or any tobacco-based products
2. Never accept a cigarette or any tobacco-based products from anybody.
3. If you see a cigarette or any tobacco-based products, ignore them.
4. If you discover an unlit cigarette or any tobacco-based products in your mouth, spit it out.
5. If you discover a lit cigarette or any tobacco-based products in your mouth, don't inhale it, and spit it out.
6. Follow the above 5 rules for the rest of your life.