
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Now you're gonna do some work!

Okay, you you've been eating trash food, and you have been eating too frequently. You now know the right food to eat, and when to eat it. But the weight will not fall off by itself - you have to put in some work and effort. This word may have disappeared from your vocabularly but to remind you, it is called "exercise". I am not asking you to go to a gym - I think initially that is the wrong approach. I have seen overweight people try it. They come down to the gym, organise a personal traininer and last at most 2 sessions. They feel intimidated and out of place, and will probably relapse back into their old eating habits. Start off by doing things you normally avoid. Walk up stairways instead of taking the elevator. If possible, try and walk to the shops. In the evenings, go out and take a walk. Start off with ten minutes - don't overdo it. Then when you are comfortable with 10 minutes, increase it. As you become more used to it, start speeding up your walking. If you have a swimming pool nearby, try and tread water for ten or fifteen minutes. WHen you begin to feel good, do a few lengths slowly. Again, build up the distance & speed slowly. You have to break the habit of sitting in front of a TV screen and eating. I can guarantee you will begin to feel better physically and mentally. If you want any more advice, leave a comment.


At 10:29 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

And don't think buying diet Coke or Pepsi is going to help. Just because it says 'diet' doesn't mean you will lose weight. Get rid of that junk drink and buy water. Or better still, buy a juicer, and juice your own fruit. Another thing, switch to wholemeal brown bread. Why do big fat people buy big fat thick-sliced white bread?

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how fat people are always at the front of the queue at the buffet?

they can shift pretty damn quick when they want to....

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Rushing for the buffet is their main exercise for the day. It also sharpens their appetite.
Actually, obese people are super efficient energy machines. In an experiment I was reading about, they fitted weighted saddle bags around the legs, hips and waist of a fit young woman (increasing her weight by 15 stone) and asked her to walk as far as possible, alongside a 26 stone cake eater. The girl quickly zoomed ahead but after a few minutes, she was absolutely knackered and had to stop. The cake eater eventually caught up, overtook her and carried on for another 15 minutes. This can be explained by the following. Obese people adapt their walking style to conserve as much energy as possible. They waddle from side to side, transferring their weight from left to right, which requires very little energy. At the same time, they lean slightly forward to give them some forward momentum. The poor, young girl didn't know about this and put all her energy into carrying her weight forward using her muscles, which quickly exhausted her.


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