
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Rocky Marriage? Stale Relationship? We Can Help!

Do you break up or do you make up? DocMurf and his team will help you decide. Maybe you're fighting a losing battle and a break-up is the only answer. Through my own life-long experience, I have amassed thousands of friends worldwide, of every denomination, gender & sexual orientation, who haved lived happily or unhappily through the various trials and tribulations of their relationships. This vast database of experience is available at your disposal. Tell us your problems and we will offer you sound advice. Report back to us and tell us how's it going. The problems will vary: they may be sexual, age difference, hatred, or one partner may be hitting the bottle. Could it be that someone is turning lazy and have let themselves go? Gays may be struggling with the dilemma of "Twinky" or "Bear" (I will do a section on Bears and Twinkies in later installments.) Sometimes the problems may be easily solved, and that one piece of advice is all you need to tip the scales in favour of life-long happiness. Another important topic is the children. Do we cling to a relationship for fear of hurting the children? This is a difficult one - but we have people on our database that can offer you the best advice from their own experiences. Is it because there are no children in the relationship? Is their a fertility problem? Again, we are here to help. Please feel free to leave your comments, and we will respond as soon as possible. There is absolutely no financial obligation - our reward is knowing that your relationship is happily working again.
Thank you for taking time to read this bulletin - we are the CURE FOR THE SORE. DocMurf

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At 4:03 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

I see in an early piece you describe how women lose their sex drive after they have found their man. This looks like a good reason why a marriage or relationship goes on the rocks.

At 7:14 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

What a wonderful analogy. It reminds me of one I used to associate with a hermaphrodite who was constantly changing his/her mind: "like a chameleon on a mozaic".


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