
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Scottish He-Brides - More Evidence!

Following up on Judge Scat's remarkable piece on Scottish He-Brides, I have received further evidence supporting his theory. A photograph from an escapee, was smuggled out from that ghastly outback. The said person wishes to remain anonymous for fear of retribution from the females of the race who rule their habitat with an unimaginable ferocity. As you can see, the He-Bride dresses in a tough fashion, yet displays the female skirt. His genitalia have all but withered away, and will soon drop off. When this occurs, the female will chew his head off, and seek another mating partner. The female is at rest here, and the scene looks almost touching - at least that's what the photographer thought but the female devoured him. She later passed the camera while defecating in a nearby forest. The escapee, a Scat Merchant from Inverness, later discovered it while in the throes of a scatterlogical frenzy.

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