A Melon For Ecstasy

The blurb on the back:
Humphrey Mackevoy is obsessed by trees. He's driven wild by their green leafiness and soft sighings.
At night he escapes from Mummy to keep tryst with his loves. Particularly with the tall, slender laburnum... until Labby is cut down, that is.
But a censorious world finds out about Humphrey's dark desires and sends him to prison...
Poor Humphrey.
opening lines: "I am just back from the garden. The moonlight is bright enough to write by, and casts the shadow of my tree - sleeper's head across a pillow - over the page. My thighs are still cold from the bark, and that instrument of my pleasure is tenderly vibrating. "
You can pick the book up on Amazon.
A woman for duty,
A boy for pleasure,
But a melon for ecstasy.
- Old Turkish proverb
Technoratic Tags: John Wells Tree Fetish John Fortune Amazon Laburnum Turkish Proverb Link
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