
Monday, September 10, 2007

BMI Baby - The Worst Airline in Europe

Here is a typical journey on a BMI flight from Birmingham to Cork. Dep. Birmingham: 18:30 actual Departure: 22:00. Oh, only 3 and half hours late! Dep Cork 22:15 actual departure 12:30am. What an improvement! 2 and a quarter hours late. Why were we worried when the Cork Manchester flight was delayed 5 hours?
So my weekend in Cork was ruined on the first night - as the first night had disappeared into the ether. I was to attend a concert and had payed 50 euro for tickets - so I missed that - and BMI just laugh at you if you ask for reimbursement.
So why the delays? Sheer greed! BMI use an aircraft that travels half away aroung Europe before completing the final leg of its journey from Cork to Birmingham. All the stops and starts have a knock on affect
They have no regard for the gross inconvenience they cause their passengers. I have made at least 20 BMI flights this year, and I have yet to experience just one flight that is on time.
I will now switch to Aer Lingus for the Cork flight from Birmingham, and I will never use BMI again. I would advise everyone else who use this loathsome airline to do the same.

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Crime & Punishment? Sorry - No Punishment for the Criminal

My heart goes out to Rhys Jones' family. A beautiful family and a beautiful son. A family whose decency & honesty shines through the bleak shadow of society's juvenile cime. A family whose wonderful son is brutally murdered by a cowardly piece of shit - I apologise - I am doing shit an injustice.
And so when they capture this loathsome item of garbage, what happens to him? Firstly lawyers will be queueing up to ensure his human rights are not infringed. He will spend 10 to 12 years in a secure unit receiving the best education, 3 square meals a day, access to computers and the internet, and all the games and luxuries he so desires. After this relatively short space of time, he will be given a completely new identity and move to another area of the country. All expenses paid for by the state.
This country is sinking into a squalid quagmire of Human Rights and its obsession to protect the criminal. The rights of man have been ignored. The right to walk in your neighborhood without fear. The right to expect punishment to fit the crime. These so-called 'Human Rights' are an invention of the age and the lawyers are running the show. The perpetrator of these vile crimes enjoy total protection, while the victims languish in utter sorrow for the rest of their lives. It is they that receive the punishment - a lifetime of sadness and heart-breaking grief at the loss of their innocent child.
Rhys Jones, May You Rest In Peace. God Bless You.
To the murderer: may your life be one of perpetual agony and pain, and may you rot in hell for all eternity.

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