
Monday, September 10, 2007

BMI Baby - The Worst Airline in Europe

Here is a typical journey on a BMI flight from Birmingham to Cork. Dep. Birmingham: 18:30 actual Departure: 22:00. Oh, only 3 and half hours late! Dep Cork 22:15 actual departure 12:30am. What an improvement! 2 and a quarter hours late. Why were we worried when the Cork Manchester flight was delayed 5 hours?
So my weekend in Cork was ruined on the first night - as the first night had disappeared into the ether. I was to attend a concert and had payed 50 euro for tickets - so I missed that - and BMI just laugh at you if you ask for reimbursement.
So why the delays? Sheer greed! BMI use an aircraft that travels half away aroung Europe before completing the final leg of its journey from Cork to Birmingham. All the stops and starts have a knock on affect
They have no regard for the gross inconvenience they cause their passengers. I have made at least 20 BMI flights this year, and I have yet to experience just one flight that is on time.
I will now switch to Aer Lingus for the Cork flight from Birmingham, and I will never use BMI again. I would advise everyone else who use this loathsome airline to do the same.

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At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was booked on a BMI flight to Edinburgh for a mate's stag weekend last year. Was due to arrive in Edinburgh around 7pm on the Friday night and depart around lunchtime on the Sunday, giving me 2 nights and a full day in the Scottish capital. Two weeks before the flight I receive an email telling me that the flight times have changed - the new arrival time was now 11:55pm on Friday night and the new departure time was 6:30 am on the Sunday morning. This meant my Friday night was ruined due to late arrival, and my Saturday night would be spent worrying about an early flight the next morning. Bastards! So I cancelled my trip and received a refund. I heard the stag do was great and that many of my old friends were there that I hadn't seen in years. Thanks BMI.

At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am silver card holder with BMI (Star Alliance) and they still treat their loyal customers like shit.


At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree. I've been flying from Heathrow to Brussels twice a week for the past year... When flying BMI, the only time my flight is not delayed... is when it was canceled.

I would estimate the average delay to be about 1 hour, which is a lot considering the fact that the flight itself lasts an hour.

The more, they have canceled many flights(3 of my flights in the past month), always claiming that this was for technical reasons. Strangely enough, they were always able to rebook all passengers on a following flight (2-4 hours later).

Either the fleet of BMI planes is truly unfit to fly, or, they simply don't care about customers arriving on time, and merge half-empty flights to reduce costs.

At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't fly with these feckless idiots, it just isn't safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
all the bmi baby planes(14) are at the end of their service agreement with no plans to replace.
this is why you are getting delays, the planes aren't up to the industry standards but are ok'd for travel due to backhanders from management.

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

flight information not announced on ticket ie: gate number.
no tannoy announcements.
customer service is non existent.
facilities very poor.
long delays and cancellations.
idiot Brummie staff.
cramped damp smelly seats.
food unappetising.
stewardess's useless.

At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to MIKE the so called airport duty manager- YOU COULDN'T FIND YOUR ARSE WITH BOTH HANDS.
furthemore ALISON-the tubby little bitch on the service desk at EMA.
you really are the most repulsive excuse for a woman i have ever had the misfortune to speak to.
i hope the powers that be see this post and question your motives

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry but i have to agree with the previous comments, i have been an aircraft technician for 17 years and shortly spent time with BMI.
don't fly if you value your life and time.
the aircraft are constantly flying with makeshift rerpairs to electrical systems and safety systems are ignored, i left after 2 months of putting my integrity as one of the industry's leading technicians on the line.

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they make easyjet look like BA

At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i disagree with the previous comment about bmi making easyjet look like BA!!,,,, it's more like singapore airways!!.
i'll never fly from EMA again due to their incompetence in running any form of customer service,,,do they ever have satisfied customers????????????????????????

At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i disagree with the previous comment about bmi making easyjet look like BA!!,,,, it's more like singapore airways!!.
i'll never fly from EMA again due to their incompetence in running any form of customer service,,,do they ever have satisfied customers????????????????????????

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it never ceases to amaze me at how many people are still getting burned by this idiot bunch with ancient planes ie,boeing 737-300 the one with the wing problems after long service!!!

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it never ceases to amaze me at how many people are still getting burned by this idiot bunch with ancient planes ie,boeing 737-300 the one with the wing problems after long service!!!

At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thick brummie bastards could'nt manage a piss up in a brewery


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