
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Liverpool Betties Do Us Proud!

This was mid-August. Up in Liverpool the weekend for some punishment - I went to see Everton play. But before the match, took a stroll down South Rd in Waterloo and low and behold, I spotted a Betty Behemoth and her side-kick coming out of a a well-known supermarket frequented by these monsters who like lard-additives in their food called: 'Trans-Fats-R-Us.' She knew I'd taken a snap, and was about to drop her shopping and come after me ... but then she thought better of it - she wasn't going to risk losing her pies and cakes! I legged it!

Elderly Betty Causes Traffic Chaos!

Nephew Jack spotted this elderly betty holding up traffic in south-east London. An ice cream van had just gone past which is why she neglected to use the nearby crossing and instead waddled across a busy road in pursuit of a 99 and 2 cans of coke.

This is our oldest Betty to date! Don't forget, extra marks for smoking a ciggy, displaying tattoos, and of course, in the process of chomping through their favourite fast food while their "peas" watch on in admiration.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Where to buy Liverpool VCs.

In Liverpool local heroes tend to be drawn from football or the music business or from the period when the city was one of Britain's greatest ports. Although it has produced many military heroes, only double VC winner Noel Chavasse has had the recognition he deserves. James Murphy, in this meticulously researched and sympathetically written book, sets the record straight. His biographies of twenty-three Liverpool VC winners show what extraordinary sacrifices the men of the city made when they were called on to fight for their country. He gives graphic accounts of the exploits that won them the VC, and he recalls other actions in which they were involved. His main purpose is to show these men at war, but he also provides an insight into their civilian lives, and he records the times they lived in. And he dispels the myths and corrects the errors of fact that have grown up around them.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Betty Snapping Abroad!

Thank God for our intrepid Betty-Snappers who have single-handedly traversed the wide oceans and rugged terrain to bring you the CFTS fans Betties from Abroad! Here we have a Lanzarote Lard-Arse Betty sunning herself. Our CFTS Foreign Correspondent Hich Rounsell tells me this Betty was actually sunbathing topless. Unfortunately this made Hich violently ill and he had to adjorn to a nearby watering-hole to recover. But our CFTS Betty-Snappers are made of sterner stuff! He picked himself up and managed to take this snap, thankfully after she put on her bra. Well done Hich!



The Pipeboy has done it again! Look at this supermarket aisle-hugger! What a beauty! CFTS fans always like a trim ankle on a girl but unfortunately we didn't bank on this Mullingar Heifer! Beef To The Heels!


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Betties Go Racing!

We all had this perception that Betties just ate food all day long and farted on their children - but no! We were all wrong! They are secret athletes! Look at these undercover pictures of Betties training for the Sloberama Trike Formula Obese Grand Prix at the Castle Donnington racing circuit. Notice in the first snap, Granny arrives at the supermarket. Inside we see her walking with her daughter, suitably armed with an ice cream, and her grand-pea who is stuffing some rubbish down his throat. See how they are interested in the £1 only counter. The last snap shows a Betty who had brought her trike into the supermarket. We can only assume she is actually disabled, and not a fraudulent, lazy fat cow in the picture above.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


The book describes the life-stories of 23 Liverpool VC Winners, giving full accounts of their medal-winning exploits and their military careers. It describes their civilian lives, their families and Liverpool connections.
The author tells me the cheapest retailers for the book are Amazon, Tesco's and W. H. Smith at £13.99. Buy today for a great read!
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