
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Irish Road Deaths - Can We Help to Stop the Carnage?

It seems like every Monday morning in the papers we are reading out the death-toll from road traffic accidents. Not just the 1 fatality, it is 4 or 5 at a time. The statistics appear to be worse each month than the year before. We shouldn't read too much into that. For example, there could be 4 fatal crashes with 4 fatalities in each vehicle, whereas the same month last year, 4 fatal crashes may have only had 1 person in each of the 4 cars. So our statistics compare 16 deaths against 4 deaths - it doesn't show driving standards have increased or decreased - it just shows a greater number of passengers were in the cars that had the greater fatalities. However, it still doesn't lessen the seriousness of the volume of deaths occuring on our roads. I would be much more interested in statistics telling me the blood-alcohol level of the drivers in these fatal crashes, or if any traces of illegal drugs were found in their bloodstream. I notice many of these deaths occur in the early hours of the morning at the weekend. The occupants appear to be in the age-range 18 -30. Another important factor is the location of the crash - how often do we hear the newscaster say: "...the crash occured only a lonely stretch of road." They usually happen in the country. Transport Minister Martin Cullen says drivers should be more responsible. Excuse me, but a lot of these kids are more intent on sounding off their new car stereo than worry about a sharp bend in the road. I think parents, whenever possible, and bar-staff should be alert of the potential danger. If a son or daughter have just finished leaving certs, or have returned from college or university, then the first thing they are going to do is contact their mates and celebrate. In these cases, parents should ban them from driving - take the car-keys away from them. Bar-staff should stop serving drink to drivers if they have had 2 drinks. In a lot of these suburban towns and villages there are only several pubs and clubs, and bar managers should network and identify drivers who have had 2 drinks in their pubs and if necessary confiscate the drivers keys car-keys. I lived near Mallow for five years - and Dee Lane of the Ranch would make sure his wife drove home his customers who were over the limit. His successor, Jim O'Connell, puts on free taxis when there are big sporting events televised in the pub, or at Xmas and New Year. These are responsible and innovative ways to stop the road carnage. So parents and bar-staff think about it - don't let them drink and drive!


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