
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Melon For Ecstasy

I first encountered this book back in the early eighties and it was one of the funniest books I ever read. Written by the those stalwarts of comedy and satire, John Fortune and John Wells, it was first published in 1971.

The blurb on the back:
Humphrey Mackevoy is obsessed by trees. He's driven wild by their green leafiness and soft sighings.
At night he escapes from Mummy to keep tryst with his loves. Particularly with the tall, slender laburnum... until Labby is cut down, that is.
But a censorious world finds out about Humphrey's dark desires and sends him to prison...
Poor Humphrey.
opening lines: "I am just back from the garden. The moonlight is bright enough to write by, and casts the shadow of my tree - sleeper's head across a pillow - over the page. My thighs are still cold from the bark, and that instrument of my pleasure is tenderly vibrating. "

You can pick the book up on Amazon.

A woman for duty,
A boy for pleasure,
But a melon for ecstasy.

- Old Turkish proverb

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007


It is with heartfelt joy that I can reveal that our very own Judge Cats is alive and apparently physically well. Yet it will be some time before we learn of the mental scars and anguish left by his incarceration, torture and the repeated rimming by Guantanamo Bay's female staff. Here is his "message of hope" smuggled out of his cell by carrion crows disguised as David Attenborough impersonators. Please leave your goodwill messages for the Judge and let us rejoice in his imminent return!

"apologies for my long absence. Months of having my phone tapped and having my computer bugged has forced me into temporary exile, thus, unable to access the site to post my own articles I have decided to make contact this way. I do have photos that were taken secretly during my recent incarceration by a certain 'transatlantic intelligence agency'and I'm now willing to blow the whistle loudly! I also have an interesting report on vacuum cleaners powered by rodents and dwarves. Your help in facilitating my safe return as a contributor would be most welcome.

Yours always

Judge's cat
(Formerly Judge Cats) "

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