
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Liverpool FC - Club of Shame - Thrashed in Final

Liverpool FC, whose supporters were involved in two of the worst human tragedies to blight the game of soccer, were justly thrashed tonight in Athens, by AC Milan 2-1 in the European Champions League Final.
It was in 1985 at the European Cup Final in Heysel Stadium, Belgium, where Liverpool's opponents were Juventus, that the first of these tragedies occured. Quite simply, Liverpool supporters murdered 39 innocent Italian supporters, in a totally unprovoked attack. No one was ever charged with these crimes. Four years later, these same supporters, charged the gates at Hillsborough and killed over 90 of their own supporters.
So please let's not have this crap that Liverpool supporters are the best in the world.

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At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally Agree

At 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think thats a bit harsh....Unprovoked, I think not. You suggest a pre-conceived slaughter. Nothing in the LFC archive of success would relay your obvious slander. You must be a fan of a lower league club to show such a lack of understanding of the cost of being the most successful club in Britain.


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