
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Miracle Fish Stun Scientists!

Undercover CFTS intrepid reporters can reveal today that world renowned scientists have been conducting experiments on live fish in their Scunthorpe laboratories. The experiments conclusively show the fish can hold their breath longer than humans. Several fish were submerged in a tank of water for up to ten minutes and survived their ordeal without any trouble - and appeared to thrive in the water. Sadly, their ordeal proved to be very stressful, because after they were removed from the tank of water, they died within five minutes. Further experiments to submerge the fish for 15 minutes have been postponed, while the scientists investigate what causes this stress after being removed from the water.


At 4:31 AM, Anonymous Bearded Boy said...

Does this mean that fish are witches? Or does that only pertain to floating fish?


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