
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Fast Food Restaurants and Rubbish

Remember when the plastic bag tax was introduced and we immediately bought long-lasting shopping bags so we woundn't have to pay for a plastic bag? This was to cut down on rubbish caused by a surplus of these bags when they were free. OK - we took to the scheme, and we are doing very well - but pray tell, what does the government do about fast food restaurants? Buy a hamburger and a drink to go, and you get a polysterine carton for the burger, a polysterine beaker for your drink and a bag to hold them. One fast-food restaurant produces 1000 times more rubbish per day, than a housseholder does in a week. Why hasn't the goverment banned the polysterine containers outright? They are not bio-degradable and they profusely litter our land. A brown paper bag would suffice - as it won't be in the bag long if one of out obese friends gets hold of it! Also, we not ban fast-food restaurants alltogether? We are trying to promote healthy eating to combat the growing phenomena of obesity, and yet and McDonalds, Burger King can open up shop anywhere in the country. Is it because the local government councillors receive huge brown envelopes off these companies? That's another growing trend - brown envelopes!


At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, go to any factory, office block, canteen etc and you will see plastic cups used at water fountains. Why can't employers give each employee their own private cup/mug so they can use instead for the plastic cups - which have a life-span of three seconds, but will take years to bio-degrade,

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why fast food? They cause obesity, the food is rubbish, and they create unnecessary rubbish and litter our land. Get rid of them!


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