
Saturday, July 08, 2006

The National Lottery & E-Voting

For several years now, I have listened to the arguments for and against electronic voting, and have witnessed the dreadful waste of taxpayers' euros funding such projects. Yet for the life of me, I cannot see why the government has not turned to the most obvious candidate, in terms of software security, accountability, verification and traceability. I am talking about The National Lottery.
With some minor changes, there is no reason why the National Lottery could not embark on such a project.
Briefly, the system could work as follows:
Before an election, each home with eligible voting householders, would be sent a bar-coded ballot slip - this would be similar to a Lottery slip. But instead of selecting numbers by ticking the boxes, the eligible voter would select candidates by ticking the boxes. The bar-code would identify the voter and the voter's address. When the voter presents their ballot slip to a lotto agent, the agent would pass the slip in the same machine as used by a normal Lotto slip. The difference here would be the machine would identify the bar-code as a ballot slip, and not a lotto ticket. The voter's name and address would appear, and the agent could ask the voter for ID to verify the name and address etc. The advantages would be enormous.
1. Accessibility! No need for polling stations - you could vote at any shop or petrol station that did the Lotto.
2. Voting turnout would be bigger due to ease of voting accessibility.
3. Software Security - the safest software in the land! Has the Lottery software ever been wrong? Has anybody ever hacked into the their software and altered the results? I am not aware of it.
4. Traceability & Accountability - the speed the Lotto can count winners and locate winners - the same would apply to voters and their location, and how they voted and in what numbers. All this functionality currently exists in the Lottery software. This would make the once previous arduous task of counting & verifying votes a trivial exercise.
As I mentioned, the Lotto machines would immeditaely distinguish between a ballot slip and a Lotto slip, thus no modifications to the current Lotto software would be required. The voting software would use much of the same functionality as the Lotto software, but would be far simpler and quicker to execute. A voter would be selecting 1, 2 or 3 candidates from a possibile list of 5, 6 or 7 for example. Compare this to the Lotto where we select 6 numbers from 42 leaving you with 5,245,786 different combinations!
Also, we could use this system when voters are abroad in Europe during an election. Look at Euromillions - that is all synchronised to all of the European countries. So the same scheme could be used but on a Europe-wide scale.
I have since contacted the National Lottery with this idea, and they kindly phoned me back explaining that they could initiate such a project. Apparently it is not in their remit. The government has to contact them first. They are unable to even suggest the idea to the government. SO BERTIE GET OFF YOUR FAT ARSE AND GET IN TOUCH WITH THE NATIONAL LOTTERY. We could have the must sophisticated voting system in the world!


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