
Saturday, July 08, 2006

It's Official: Cork Drivers are the Worst in the World!

Worst drivers. I have driven in over 25 countries all over the world and I have to say, Cork drivers are the worst. First I believe most of them are colour blind. Green, amber or red, they will go through. If one gets through on red, it seems to be the go-ahead for the rest to follow. On a serious note, this can lead to tragic consequences. I have seen traffic in the city centre jumping red-lights to turn a corner - where there are pedestrian-crossing green lights in operation. These pedestrians were actually dodging traffic while their lights were on green. The car-drivers didn't care at all.
Indicators? What are indicators? They just don't use them or hardly use them. What is particularly annoying is when you are trying to turn right out of a T-junction and you are waiting for approaching traffic on the right to pass, only to discover they are turning left into your junction - WITHOUT INDICATING! Again pedestrians, cyclists and joggers are in danger as they believe the car is going straight ahead. Have these drivers or cretins, got their brains shoved up their arses? Don't they see the inconvenience and more importantly, the danger they are causing?
Dual lane turning: I am afraid ladies, you are the guilty ones here. This happens when you have a double lane turning right say, over a major road or motoroway, which you feed onto after you make the right-hand turn. So a lady in the left-hand lane approaches the turn, makes the turn, then wanders into the right-hand lane - and usually collides with the vehicle in the right hand lane. They have no lane discipline. After they make the turn they see no danger in wondering from lane to lane (without indicating of course) - and it becomes a free-for-all
Traffic Light Junction: Everyone guilty here. Usually happens in city centres. Drivers entering the junction going straight ahead, block the junction as they cannot proceed out of the junction because the traffic has jammed ahead. So the traffic flowing the other way wanting to turn right cannot get round. The idiots cannot see the trouble they are causing. All they had to do was wait at their own light until the traffic ahead starts moving.

Please add comments if you can think of any other bad driving traits of the Cork driver.


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