
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

War Can Damage Your Health - We Can Help You Stop This Bad Habit!

For those nations around the world who are at war with their enemy, we can offer you solution, resolution and reconcilliation. We at Cure For The Sore have many years experience in the field of resolution conflict. For a substantial fee, we can bring opposing parties around a table and sort out your difficulties. We offer:
1. First Class Conferencing Facilities
2. Excellent buffet and refreshments
3. Conselling for suicide bombers
4. Six-months guarantee of peace
The goals of peace are easily achievable:
1. All soldiers, warring factions, terrorists, mercenaries etc, lay down their arms and walk away.
2. Whenever you feel the urge to fight, have a pint, or take a dump (if religion precludes alcohol).
3. If your leaders insist you must return to the conflict, then ignore them.
You will soon see what a good investment contacting us was - think of the money you save by not buying arms off unscrupulous nations whose sole purpose is to get rich on other people's misery and death.
Would warring nations who wish to avail of our services contact us at this web-site via a comment, and I will respond as soon as I can - as you know, stopping wars is a busy business.
NB We have no affiliation to the United Nations whom we regard as ditherers and charlatans.

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