
Monday, September 18, 2006


For those people amongst you suffering from depression who have tried all avenues of therapy to battle against this dehabiltating condition, then you have taken the right step by coming to Cure For The Sore (CFTS). Our program for curing depression does not include prescription drugs, psychoanalysis or any of the well-tried methods. Our techniques are based on simple logical question and answer sesions, interlaced with humour. Together we will go through those areas of your life that were happy and sad, and map out a path that would lead to happiness. For those wondeful few seconds engaged in a smile or a laugh, you will momentarily forget your depression. (To get in the mood - read some of the pages on the site.) We will then expand on this theme and make it habitual. Our staff include people who have suffered from depression and have now been cured by these simple conversational techniques. Please leave a comment and explain your problem - feel free to remain anonymous, but do leave a pen-name we can identify you by. There is no cost involved - all our staff are voluntary.

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At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How confidential is this service? I do suffer from depression but have kept it bottled for quite some time. I am a very private person.

At 3:29 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

It is completely confidential. All communication is done via the website. I understand your concerns, and you have nothing to worry aboutt. Please invent a username for yourself, so we can identify you in order to reply to your questions. We will lose track if everyone signs their comments as annonymous. Thank you.


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